February 7, 2025


The importance of exercise

Alternative Treatment for Digestive Problems After Gallbladder Removal

A gallbladder removal surgery is not necessarily a slam-dunk procedure. After gallbladder removal surgery, some people have problems with digestion and pain. The medical name for this condition is a postcholecystectomy syndrome, and gallbladder removal surgery is cholecystectomy. From medical research, the postcholecystectomy syndrome occurs in 15-40 percent of people without a gallbladder. If 700,000 cholecystectomies are performed annually in the U.S., that means many people are suffering from indigestion and pain.

Without a doubt, the gallbladder plays a substantial role in digestion, and its work is tightly connected to the liver, pancreas, bile ducts, sphincter of Oddi, duodenum, stomach, and even the colon. I write about this tight connection and its inner workings in my book “Natural health before and after gallbladder removal.”

The liver produces bile that generally has two undeniably important jobs to do. First, the liver removes fat-soluble substances like cholesterol, heavy metals, bile pigments, drugs, medications, and alcohol. Second, the liver allows for proper digestion of fats and fat-soluble vitamins–the fuel that the body needs. With both of these responsibilities, the liver can only do its jobs with bile.

Bile plays the role of a garbage truck in the body. Bile is an unsung hero that deserves a medal for the hard work that it does for our bodies. Everything that we eat goes into the liver. Harmful substances and toxins are cleaned out of our bodies. These harmful irritants can bother our bile ducts, the sphincter of Oddi, the duodenum, as well as cause inflammation and pain. As you can see, these irritants can affect a number of body parts, so a whole-body cleansing is helpful and recommended for people without a gallbladder. Caution–do not use a “liver flush” with olive oil– this is only for super healthy people who have their gallbladders.

In the gallbladder, bile from the liver is collected and concentrated; then gallbladder bile makes its way into the duodenum where food enters from the stomach to digest fats. When the gallbladder is cut out, liver bile continually moves down to the duodenum even though there is no food.

Why do some individuals suffer from pain and digestive problems after gallbladder removal? Why didn’t the pains go away after this surgical procedure was done?

Let me explain. Not too many people realize that the liver and pancreas are alkaline glands. Since the glands are alkaline, the bile and pancreatic juice (the liquid) are also alkaline. The alkalinity of bile and pancreatic juice is the vital factor for proper digestion and the entire health of a person. If you take anything meaningful away from this article, let it be alkalinity.

Contrarily, acidity causes profound changes to the biochemistry of these fluids. Acidic bile is extremely aggressive, irritated, corroded, and it injures surrounding tissues such as bile ducts, and the sphincter of Oddi-the valve between the bile duct and duodenum. It can be a big reason for the pain and cramps.

Aggressive acidic bile corrodes the walls of the duodenum that creates a jerky, uneven contractions of the gut’s wall. This imbalance causes bile reflux–aggressive acidic bile goes up into the stomach or esophagus. This wrong-way flow- bile reflux is the main reason for stubborn heartburn, stomach inflammation, ulcers, and Barret’s esophagus.

Acidity leads to bile stones in bile ducts that can create blockages, inflammation, and pain. Acidic bile loses the ability to digest fats, and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Undigested fats and corroded acidic bile irritate the colon that leads to chronic diarrhea.

If foods are not properly digested in the small intestine, they are fermented by bacteria and yeasts with regular gas, bloating, fullness, flatulence, and nausea. During fermentation, many toxic substances are produced. With one step leading to the next step, it is no surprise or wonder that people can experience a long list of symptoms: fatigue, depression, weight gain or loss, low immunity, hormonal imbalance, skin reactions, etc. What can help to restore healthy acid-alkaline balance? Fortunately, there are three natural ways to make the body alkaline:

1. Alkaline diet

2. Drinking Karlovy Vary healing mineral water

3. Supplementation with minerals, such as cellular magnesium-potassium

By the way, anyone can find out if they are dealing with acidity. At home, with litmus paper, you can check your saliva and urine pH. If they are lower than 6.6 pH, this equals acidity. I focus on an alkaline, healthy diet in various articles and my book, Healthy Pancreas, Healthy You. Naturally, people can stick to a normal, slightly alkaline milieu by supplying their bodies with minerals and bicarbonate that mostly come from vegetables and water. Although much is known about an alkaline diet, and many people take minerals and supplements, there is one natural resource that is not well known in the United States by either physicians or patients–drinking healing mineral water-that is proven to help people.

Using Karlovy Vary healing mineral water for digestive disorders is not odd or the exception in Europe. European doctors have recommended using healing mineral water for centuries. Karlovy Vary healing mineral water is the most researched of all mineral waters. Numerous medical papers have proven its practical actions and safety. You don’t need to be in Europe or speak a foreign language. You can get genuine Karlovy Vary thermal spring salt and make healing mineral water at home, following instructions provided.

With a vast lot of historical reference, European doctors have noted that the minerals, bicarbonate and trace elements in Karlovy Vary healing mineral water have an influence over digestive problems and pain in persons with the postcholecystectomy syndrome.

One non-drug, alternative treatment that can’t be omitted from this article is acupuncture. Acupuncture is widely used for many digestive disorders all over the world. Acupuncture can reduce pain, gas, can stop diarrhea or nausea, help with weight loss, etc. Abdominal point massage that is performed by a trained professional can reduce pain and adhesions after surgery.

People groups that have been on Planet Earth for centuries had herbal remedies to treat their health issues. These herbal remedies still exist. Traditional Chinese Medicine, European herbs, Ayurveda, or Native Americans herbs can help with diarrhea, constipation, pains, and spasms.

The restoration of good intestinal flora is at the core of proper health for the gastrointestinal tract. An anti-Candida diet, herbs, probiotics, and colon hydrotherapy can re-establish friendly bacteria in the gut. This healthy environment inside of you can tackle pain, gas, flatulence, and constipation.

Mother Nature does not make mistakes. Every single organ of the human body is made for a specific reason, and the gallbladder is no exception. Unfortunately, we cannot put the gallbladder back into the body, but there are safe and effective methods of alternative medicine that do help. Tried and proven, these alternative methods truly work. These natural treatments can be used along with medical treatment(s), or they can be used as a stand-alone treatment. We highly recommend that you find a knowledgeable, experienced licensed practitioner or practitioners who understand your pains and symptoms professionally due to gallbladder loss.

The information in this article is presented for educational, informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, and advice of a qualified licensed professional.

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