February 8, 2025


The importance of exercise

Tired of High Cost Dental Insurance? Look At The Patriot Dental Plan

When you purchase a dental plan wouldn’t it be nice to feel like you are getting the most for your money. That is what you get from the Patriot Dental Plan. If you can find it in your area you should take a close look at this dental plan. I’ll tell you how to do this later in this article.

As you read this article one thing that stands out with this affordable coverage is the amount of free services it offers to its customers. This lets you know that they are serious about keeping you happy because they would like for you to renew the plan for many years to come.

The Patriot Dental Plan is known in the dental world as a discount dental plan. This type of dental plan has become very popular in recent years. You will be glad to know that some of the largest insurance companies that sell dental insurance also promote discount dental plans.

As likely will be the case most people love dental discount plans because they are very affordable for both individuals and families. As the name dental discount implies you can receive some very generous discounts at the dentist with this type of plan.

Let’s take a look at some of the liberal benefits the Patriot Discount Dental Plan has to offer.

1. Your checkup at the dentist each six months is free.

2. If you are having dental problems and need an in-depth checkup that is free also.

3. Both full mouth and bitewing x-rays are free.

4. The panoramic film that is used for the x-rays is also free.

As you can see you can save money each year with this plan with the free services you can take advantage of.

What are some of the other savings can you receive on some of the major dental procedures?

1. A single crown that’s porcelain on high noble metal would cost you approximately $1,227 at the dentist but you pay only $534. That’s a $693 savings to the plan member.

2. A molar root canal with a normal cost in the range of $1,170 the plan member would pay only $428. This is a really good savings to the member of $742.

3. A full upper denture that can cost as much as $1855 the plan gives the member a cost of only $623. That’s a big savings of $1,232.

As you can see there are substantial dental costs savings to the owners of this dental discount plan. Even a minor procedure such as a removal of a single tooth that would cost normally $197 the member would pay only $75.

This is only a small sampling of savings which would benefit you greatly if you owned this dental plan. As you read on I’ll tell you where you can get a complete list of the dental procedures and money you can save.

You probably have other questions wondering what a great dental plan like this would cost, are there any pre-existing limitations and are specialists covered.

1. It is hard to imagine that with all the benefits this plan has to offer that it cost only $104.95 a year for individuals and $159.95 a year for a family. Compare that to dental insurance that can cost much more than that for both individuals and families.

2. No matter what dental difficulties you have experienced in the past you will be able to go to a plan dentist listed in your area after a three-day period.

3. It is also good to know that you will be able to go see a specialist it needed. This includes oral surgeons, periodontists, prosthodontists, pediatric dentists, endodontists, and orthodontists up to age sixteen.

There is much more to the Patriot Plan than there is room to discuss in this article. If you read on to the next paragraph I will tell you how to get all the information you need on this great discount dental plan.

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